English Idioms A - Z - Idiomatic Expressions


The Cambridge dictionary defines an idiom as a group of words in a fixed order that have a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word understood on its own: For example
To "have bitten off more than you can chew" is an idiom that means you have tried to do something which is too difficult for you.We have offered you a list of commonly used idioms from A to Z.

Idioms I- Idiomatic expressions beginning with I

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  1. Ice

put smth on ice
decide to take no action on smth for a period of time; postpone smth
They have put the plans for the new hospital on ice because of the economic situation.

  1. Ignorance

ignorance is bliss (saying)
if you do not know about smth you can’t worry about it
Some doctors believe ignorance is bliss and don't give their patients all the facts.

  1. Initiative

(do smth) on your own initiative
do smth which is your own idea, not a suggestion or order from another person
Did you ask him to organize a meeting, or was it on his own initiative?

  1. Injustice

do yourself/smb an injustice
judge yourself/smb unfairly
We may have been doing him an injustice.

  1. Inside

inside out
with the part that is usually inside facing out
You’ve got your sweater on inside out.

  1. Intents

to all intents and purposes (BrE) (AmE for all intents and purposes)
in almost every important way
The fighting has stopped, so to all intents and purposes, the war is over.

  1. Ivory

an ivory tower (disapproving)
a way of life in which people avoid the unpleasant realities of life.

Just because I’m a writer, it doesn’t mean I live in an ivory tower.


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